
Review: AEW Dynamite 1/1/25 – Look I Know It’s Late

I’m not gonna bother finding an image or anything for this one, but I’d still encourage you to read it. I both review Dynamite and give a commentary on the Thursday Dynamite Review from the VoW Flagship Patreon. I’m also going to start giving “enjoyment grades” to segments, using the common American grading scale (A, B, C, D, F), with C being average or moderate enjoyment. Like with the stars, I’m going to avoid “adjustments”, so there’ll be few C+s or A-s. Also in this one, I really went for a blow-by-blow type of recording, as best I can. I lost steam near the end. It wasn’t a great show.


New song
My reactions on the use of “I’m So Excited” by the Pointer Sisters, from bluesky (
—I don’t outright hate the new Dynamite theme they used for 1/1 but like… the theme song should kind of get you set up for the show you’re gonna see, right? This does not make me think “I’m about to see some great fighting action”. Also, Tony’s fetish for big name music is getting annoying.
—A lot of times it seems like he would rather spend money on something “recognizable” than commission something that would actually fit what he’s doing.


Moxley promo, taking bullets, not letting people get their hands on the title
Feels like it was meant to clarify things, or maybe that’s just what I wanted [D]

Cassidy vs Page
Light response for Cassidy. Similar for Page; we bits of yells when they make moves but nothing sustained. Light chants for Page. Bell rings. Trade whiffs on Orange Punch and then Deadeye, counter series as they try all their big shit but nothing hits. Cassidy takes a light powder, comes back in, Page chases him, Cassidy with a roll-up that got two. Trading shots, Page gets the upper hand. Shoots him across, Page comes in with a lariat. Page poses to the crowd, Cassidy tries for a powerbomb but Page fights out. Stagger to the middle, Page with a side belly-to-belly, gets 2. Page slowing it down, raking the eyes of Cassidy on the ropes, chops to Cassidy. Page whiffs a lariat in the corner, Cassidy can’t take advantage, Page with a springboard lariat that sends Cassidy to the floor. Page sends Cassidy into the barricade. Does it again. Page now posing to the crowd, breaks the count. Page goes for a powerbomb but Cassidy back body drops out. Cassidy does ten punches on Page in a chair in the corner. Cassidy breaks count, comes back out, Page boots him in the face. Both men back in. Page runs at Cassidy and eats a boot. Cassidy to the second, crossbody but caught by Page, fallaway slam into the buckles, two count. Page with the standing fireman’s, Cassidy rolls Page up, two, Cassidy comes out and hits a PK on Page. Cassidy with a tiltawhirl that Page blocks, Page for a suplex, Cassidy flying stundog. Cassidy for the dive, Page blocks, Page for the powerbomb, Cassidy blocks, Page fallaway slam on the floor. Page posing to the crowd. Page goes back to Cassidy and drags him back to the ring. Pinfall, two count. Page bullying Cassidy, Page with a DVD, two count. Page trying for the crossface but Cassidy blocking, nice way to work the hold. Cassidy gets the rope. Cassidy fighting up but Page not taking his shots, Page knocks him down. Page going for Buckshot Lariat, Cassidy drops down and rolls away. Page follows him and boots him, then throws him back in. Cassidy dive on Page, goes to throw him in but Page reverses and throws Cassidy into the barricade. Page sends Cassidy back in, goes for Buckshot again, Cassidy rolls back away. Cassidy goes hands in pockets, dropkick. Cassidy takes over with another dodge, smashing Page from buckle to buckle. Cassidy up top, crossbody but caught, Cassidy counters with a tornado DDT. Cassidy into the ropes, another tornado DDT, pin and two count. Cassidy now taunting with the light kicks, then ramping up quickly, superkick is caught, Page whiffs the lariat, Cassidy hits superkick, Page hits lariat, Page goes for Buckshot Lariat but Cassidy counters to Beach Break, a bit of sloppiness but then there’s a two count. Orange Punch from Page, another, Pageto the apron, Cassidy charges in, Page blocks, Cassidy with another Orange Punch, Page hangs on, Cassidy goes for #4 but Page hits the Buckshot, three count. Winner: Page. ★★★★☆ (4 stars) [B]

Page attacks Cassidy and Christopher Daniels
Okay. [C]

White promo, bigs up the Casino Gauntlet, talks about his match with former AEW champions: Swerve and Roddy
Decent and to the point. [C]

Acclaimed vs. Hurt Syndicate
Light responses for both teams. Caster and Bowens arguing about who is starting, Lashley charges them both, leaving Caster in the ring. Caster punishing Caster in the corner, front suplex across the ring. Neckbreaker from Lashley. Lashley shoots Caster into the corner, charges in with a shoulder block. Lashley with the series of shoulders to the stomach. Lashley runs in and Caster hits him with an elbow, then Lashley lariated him over the ropes. Tag to Shelton, Shelton starts throwing Caster back and forth from barricade to ring. Caster gets free and tags Bowens in. Bowens rushes in and starts cleaning up, knocks Lashley down with a spinning elbow. Caster tags himself in, Bowens and Caster argue. Caster walks into a German suplex from Benjamin. Benjamin with another, and another. And another. Bowens drops off the apron. Caster in the corner, Benjamin with a big knee. Tag out to Lashley, Lashley hits Caster with a spear. Huge spinebuster from Lashley, then the Hurt Lock, tap out. Winner: Hurt Syndicate. ★★★☆☆ (3 stars) [C]

Swerve promo
People chanting for Swerve throughout. Pretty tame promo, didn’t get a great Pavlov on the “Who’s house” but that might have been because they were chanting, might have been because Swerve’s delivery was a bit muted. [C]

Hayter vs. Hart
Light response for both. Nice entrance for Hart, don’t think I’ve seen this one before. Goes for lockup but Hart dodges around. Lockup, Hart pushes Hayter away. Hart with an armwringer. Hart throwing Hayter down by the hair several times, Hayter returns the favor. Jamie chants. Hayter takes over with a series of elbows, throws Hart into the ropes, suplex-neckbreaker on Hart. Hayter charges corner to corner, hits a couple lariats, Hart then blocks one, sends Hayter to the ground. Hart short crossbody off the apron but caught, Hart slips off the back and sends Hayter into the steps. Hayter goes for a suplex on the steps but Hart dodges, then slams Hayter back down on the steps. Hart poses for a bit, then sends Hayter into the barricade a few times. Hayter shoves Hart into the ring side several times, then suplexes her on the floor. Hayter sends Hart in, tries to follow her in but Hart attacks, then DDTs Hayter, two count. Hart slamming Hayter’s head on the mat. Hart pins, two count. Hart rams Hayter into the buckles, then chokes her with the boot. Hart with a running elbow into the corner. The two of them start to slug it out. Julia with a side headlock. Hayter trying for the ropes but Hart keeping it wrenched in. Hayter fights up, jawbreaker to escape, and then an enzuigiri. Hayter ducks a lariat and knocks Hayter down, Hayter elbows Hart down again, then a big boot. Hayter pounds fists on Hart’s head, Hart ducks a lariat, Hayter with the Hayt-breaker, two count. Hayter kicking Hart. Hayter boots Hart in the corner. Hayter rushes in, Hart with the double boots to Hayter. Hart for the moonsault but Hayter rolls out, Hart lands on her feet. Hart trips Hayter, two count. Hart locks Hayter into a submission, Hayter tries to fight free, gets up, ushigoroshi, sliding lariat, two count. Hayter chokes Hart in the corner, throws her over the top and starts smashing her stomach. Hayter sends Hart to the apron, goes to suplex her over the ropes, but Hart tripped her out. Hart comes up with the arrow, referee takes it away, Hart spits the mist into Hayter’s face, pins, three count. Winner: Hart. ★★★☆☆ (3 stars) [C]

Ospreay/Fletcher feud video, emphasizing that they’re 1 and 1
Okay video. [C]

Recap video of the C2 Final and the Omega/Okada moment, hyping Omega’s return
Okay video. [C]

Okada promo, still doing the bitch thing
Decent promo. [C]

Mone in-ring segment, probably a championship celebration; video
Light response for Mone. Okay video. I liked that she got to just do her celebration honestly. It can’t always get disrupted. [C]

Hurricane Helene video
Not going to “review” this like it’s part of the show. Help people if you can, that’s the important thing.

Cole, Strong, O’Reilly promo
Whatever. I can’t imagine caring about this. [D]

Strong vs. White vs. Strickland
Nothing for Strong. Similar for White. Sounds like nothing for Swerve; may have to reassess the strength of reaction based on this, maybe micing issues. Start out with a brawl, all three guys throwing hands. Seems like Strong nad White have a light alliance but Strickland holding up well. Swerve with a nice suplex on Strong, flip dive out on White, and a pose from Swerve. Diving uppercut to White’s back. Strong back in, some exchange, White with a DDT on both Strong and Strickland. White laying chops into both opponents, taking control, sends Swerve to the floor, Strong to the floor. White out to the floor, slams Strickland and Strong on the apron. White goes for a half nelson backbreaker on Strong, Strong blocks and does one himself, then throws White out and onto Strickland. Strong follows White out, continues controlling the match. Strong sends White back in. Strong with another backbreaker. Strong pins, two count. Strong continually kicking Strickland out to keep him from the ring. Strong chops at White and White crawls to the floor. White starting to fire back. Strickland comes in and Strong kicks him down. Strong throws Strickland into the barricade. Strong shoves White back in, pins, one count. Strong with a high armbar, White fighting out, Strong puts White on the top rope, looking for an avalanche move, White fighting back, Swerve up with them as well, everybody falls out. Strickland taking control now, backbreaker to Strong, powerbomb tosses Strong into White, big powerslam to White, pins but Strong breaks it up. Strickland goes for a roll-in move but Strong with the codebreaker. Strong in control, Olympic slam on White, tiger driver on White, pin but two count. Strickland comes in and hits the Swerve Stomp on Strong. Strickland misses the House Call, White goes for the Blade Runner on Swerve but Swerve avoids it, Strong gets knocked out, Strickland with a jumping flatliner on White. Strickland up top, Strong intervenes, White rolls out to the floor. Strickland gives Strong a running boot. Strickland with a boot to White. Strickland poses, Ricochet from nowhere and stabs Strickland in the head with scissors. White with the Blade Runner to Strong, pin and three count. Winner: White. ★★★☆☆ (3 stars) [C]

Ricochet continues his attack
This is where the feud needed to go. Bloodying and beating the shit out of Strickland. Undisputed Kingdom come out for the save, so I guess the UK is our face army. Bleak stuff. But a good segment. [B]

Jeff Jarrett and team have a promo
Don’t put this kind of segment on TV. Extremely hokey. It’s not the thrust of the segment. It’s this conceit of being given “private time” when there’s a fucking camera there, and the “privacy” being mentioned is just that other people not interrupt while they say some other extremely sensitive shit right in front of a camera. [F]

May promo
Okay. [C]

Jeff Jarrett promo in-ring
Okay promo but all I gotta say is that they better not belt this fuckin guy up. TNT title, okay. International title, we’re pushing it. World title? Not a shot. I don’t even really want him to get close. [C]

Hook/Christian promo video
Embarrassing framing with Hook on the steps. [D]

Hobbs vs. 1 of the Ugly Ducklings and Jon Cruz
Squash match. Winner: Hobbs. (2 stars) [C]

Big Bill & Bryan Keith promo, confrontation with Rated FTR
Kinda dumb but whatever, I’m into Bryan Keith’s deal. [C]

MJF promo from World’s End
Looks like we’re finally going to get MJF vs. Death Riders. [C]

Death Riders vs. Rated FTR
Have stopped mostly noting the reactions because the Swerve reaction made me really doubt myself. Sounds like Rated FTR got a good one though. Arm drag from Harwood, Yuta slaps Harwood. Harwood shoots Yuta into the ropes, we’ve got a rope running segment, Harwood takes over with heavy chops, shoots Yuta corner to corner, catches him coming out with a back body drop. Harwood tags to “””Cope”””, Yuta tags Castagnoli. Cope and Castagnoli lock up, Castagnoli sends Cope into the ropes, kicks him hard. Castagnoli taking over, resists a series of shoulder blocks. Some action here that I missed, Cope throws Castagnoli out with a hip toss. Cope goes out to fight him, then Marina Shafir rams Cope into the post. Moxley tags in. Moxley takes control, Death Riders bullying Cope in the corner. Not sure what it is but I’ve already fallen out of it with this match, just gonna keep it going. Jawbreaker from Cope to Castagnoli, CC tags out to Yuta, Yuta starts to boot Cope and keep control. Tag out to Castagnoli, Castagnoli with the European uppercut to Cope. Moxley tags in, continuing to assault Cope in the corner. Cope fighting out, tags to Cash, Cash with a flying double lariat, taking down the DR, dropkicks Castagnoli off the apron, spinning backdrop to Yuta. Cash sends Yuta into the corner, Cash runs in but Cash catches him with the backslide. Some more action, Harwood with a second rope crossbody to Yuta, two count. Yuta counters a lariat with an arm-trapping slam. Yuta up top, Harwood blocks him. Harwood avalanche backdrop, covers, Castagnoli breaks it up. Cash attacks Castagnoli but he throws CAsh out, then boots Cope off the apron. Harwood counters the Neutralizer with a back body drop, Moxley snaps Harwood’s neck across the rope, Yuta with a diving splash, only two count. Moxley tags back in. Moxley bullying Harwood. Mox chokes Harwood against the second rope. Yuta tags in, elbow drop, two count. Yuta tags out to Castagnoli, Castagnoli with a grounded facelock on Harwood. Harwood fights up, forces Castagnoli back, Castagnoli with a sunset flip, two count, Castagnoli hits a lariat, two count. Tag out to Yuta. Harwood with a backdrop on Yuta. Some more action, Harwood and Castagnoli bump heads, double down. Mox and Cope both tagged in. Trading forearms. Mox looks for Paradigm Shift, Cope blocks, Copes with a big DDT. Cope looks for spear but Mox runs away. Cope chases to the floor. Cope knocks Mox over the barricade, Mox trying to flee, they’re fighting in the crowd. Moxley with a running kick, Cope takes control and throws Moxley back to ringside. Moxley in, tag to Yuta, Yuta grabs Cope, DDT. Yuta rushes Cope, Cope with a big powerbomb, two count. Cope set for the spear, Castagnoli and Moxley pull his legs out and ram his crotch into the post. Cash starts to take over, runs for a dive, Castagnoli stops him with a European uppercut. Harwood comes in and Castagnoli lariats him. They’re setting up Cope for a lariat on the table. Jay White comes in from nowhere and hits the Blade Runner on Yuta, distracitng Death Riders, allowing Cope to throw Moxley. Castagnoli throws Cope back in, FTR hit the Shatter Machine on Yuta, Cope hits the spear on Yuta, pin and three count. Winner: Rated FTR. ★★★☆☆ (3 stars) [D]

Overall: So, what are the results of the experiment? I don’t really feel any different about the show. I guess what I can conclude is that I wasn’t really missing anything in what AEW is presenting me, it just isn’t connecting with me that strongly. There was good stuff on the show.

Commentary on the Thursday Dynamite Review: “Cope”

I actually don’t have a ton for this week’s. Sometimes, Lanza will go into more in-depth philosophy/psychology discussions and that’s really where I can sink my teeth in, but at the same time, those come out organically. It’s one of the problems I had starting this project earlier. But just like for the TDR, some level of consistency is needed, although I’m gonna give myself a bit more of a break given that this is just a personal project.

I would have liked it if Joe had talked a little more about the crowd reactions on this night because to me they felt quiet, but I’m guessing he didn’t find too much notable about them. My ears are bad and it’s been a while since I’ve been consistently watching weekly wrestling TV so I’m still getting used to listening again.

Joe talks about new TV deal, simulcast on MAX, no complaints & even praise for the stream, MAX replay only had Spanish audio, small amount of archive content
Nice to hear that it’s mostly been going okay. I don’t have MAX anymore but it’s cool that another archive is up.

Joe talks about 13 pre-tape segments (not live in front of crowd), finds it absurd; there wasn’t a lot of great wrestling; idea of this being to catch new/returning fans up, not buying that there would be a lot of new viewers
Good point which I hadn’t even really been thinking about, very likely right that there aren’t going to be a lot of new viewers, especially since there were no title matches etc. The simulcast itself wouldn’t be enough to drive a huge new audience.

Joe talks about the Pointer Sisters song to start, mainly that it’s old, makes him think of Saved by the Bell
Nothing to say here.

Joe talks about the Death Riders promo, says the program has gone sideways, doesn’t think it really makes sense

Joe talks about Page/Cassidy match, says Cassidy can’t hack it as a top guy, doesn’t promo well enough, not able to thread the needle of his character and also talking seriously, missed the window
Largely agreed. I think Cassidy needs to be written around, so to speak. They put him in situations where he needed to be the speaker and I think that really hurt him. Not sure I agree so much about the window; I think there was a window that was missed but I don’t think it was the final nail.

Joe talks about Page being the right winner, attacking Daniels, hopes we’re not building to a Page/Daniels match
Yeah, Page/Daniels doesn’t sound great. You want to run it on a TV, fine.

Joe talks about the White promo, high stakes in the Casino Gauntlet
Nothing much to say.

Joe talks about Acclaimed vs. Hurt Syndicate, inset promo, keeping Shelton/Syndicate strong
Nothing to say.

Joe talks about Swerve interview, then the Hayter/Hart match, didn’t like the match, says Hayter doesn’t feel like herself too much, possibly not great chemistry, Hart didn’t look great
Agreed mostly. I think Hayter’s looked pretty good, not as smooth as possible but fine. Wasn’t really impressed with Hart here other than the entrance.

Joe talks about the Fletcher/Ospreay video; Okada/Omega video; Okada video, liked Okada’s delivery here

Joe talks about the Mercedes Mone segment; Undisputed Kingdom segment, dying inside
Yeah… I don’t mind having a year of Roderick Strong but not the UK, I don’t care about Cole or O’Reilly.

Joe talks about the Strickland/Strong/White match, Ricochet attack being the best part of the show

Joe talks about the name “Cope”
It is gonna get memed to death but I’m not sure if it’s that bad.