
Review: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

The word I would use to describe Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now is “mirage”. I’m not going to lie: I wanted to hate this book. I did not like the book, I wouldn’t go that far, but my thoughts on it are more complicated than I originally thought they’d be. One of the issues with New Thought work is that it’s not always easy to say it’s capital-W Wrong. There are things wrong about what Tolle says, absolutely, but it’s not wrong in a way that responds well to a clear takedown. Tolle references people who call what he’s written gobbledygook. In my opinion, it’s not so much that it’s uninteligible as that it prescribes a philosophy of ignorance.

Getting this isn’t straightforward, and I am not going to do an exhaustive breakdown with citations here, so if you haven’t read the book you will have to trust me. Overall, the problem is that though Tolle’s descriptions of why things go wrong can be compelling, there is no insight offered into these events. The response is always to simply be unaffected by it, something that is completely impossible in a lot of situations.

There’s also something to be said for Tolle’s style, which is structured to lull you into certain patterns of thought. But we’ll get to that.


The Problem with Anti-Napsterism

I recently saw a series of posts by Daniel Kibblesmith on bluesky about a kind of Luddite-ism where Napster has caused a bad shift in consumption habits that have made it harder for artists to make a living: the expectation of free, etc. I also recently ran into an article I wanted to read which was successfully paywalled (i.e. sites are getting wiser to archives). These two things made me want to work out my thoughts on free culture and artists making money.

I am a writer with zero success. I have published things but nowhere near enough, or high profile enough, to ever rest laurels on. I say that to make the point that my perspective on this is going to be different than someone who is paying their bills with art, and I get that. I also want to be in a position where I’m doing that, though, so it’s not as though I’m insensitive to the idea that free work can be bad.


Review: AEW Dynamite 12/11/24

Another so-so episode of Dynamite last night. Nothing really grabbed me on it. Next week I’ll try to lock in a little bit more, but I still haven’t really even found an act to latch onto. Even guys I like are involved in a lot of nonsense. And yeah, I know I’m being a downer right now. I’ll talk about it after the review.


Commentary: Thursday Dynamite Review 12/5/24

Here is my commentary on the Voices of Wrestling Thursday Dynamite Review posted today, December 5, 2024. If you’re not aware, you can listen to this by checking out the VoW Patreon, which I’m going to trust you to be able to find. I’m not gonna shill every week but I figured I should at least point out exactly what I’m reacting to once. The host is the inimitable Joe Lanza; I’d have a specific nickname for him but they stopped doing that bit like a year ago.

Anyway, I have done a review of this event on my own where I give thoughts on suspension of belief, and I refer to some of these thoughts in the commentary so it’s worth checking out first.

Spoiler ahead for something that happened after the broadcast ended.


Review: AEW Dynamite 12/4/24 – Disbelief

This episode of Dynamite is a great example of why I don’t like AEW. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the show and I still thought it was godawful. Now look, I admit that I’m in a bad mood for other reasons today, but usually, good wrestling can brighten my mood. I didn’t feel like we got a lot of it here, and it’s for one main reason: suspension of disbelief.

To be specific, I was not suspending my disbelief for any of this shit.

Why not? Well, let’s go through the show and I’ll point it out to you.


Pro-Wres Lab: A Mess of Rankings

As a sort of companion piece to my article Is the AEW Continental Championship Really Necessary?, I’d like to just go through a few different types of rankings/orderings that I’ll be using as we go forward, both here and elsewhere. I’m unfortunately a sucker for these kinds of setting-the-table posts so you’ll have to get used to it. At the very least, it’ll prevent me from having to delve deep into this every time I want to reference these concepts.


Is the AEW Continental Championship Really Necessary?

Check this article out on Voices of Wrestling: Is the AEW Continental Championship Really Necessary?

We wrestling fans spend a lot of time yapping about titles. Don’t get me wrong: I love yapping. The number of titles in All Elite Wrestling is especially a big topic. Usually, it seems like people think AEW has too many titles. Now, I’m not sure that I agree entirely, but it’s definitely worth thinking about. So let’s pick one and see if we can justify its existence.

How about the AEW Continental Championship? After all, it’s Continental Classic season and this fairly new belt is up for grabs. Does the Continental title really deserve its spot?


Review: AEW Dynamite 11/27/2024

This was a pretty good episode of the old coyote stick, largely helped (I think) by the Continental Classic.

Also, since I’m here, I suppose I’ll explain how I’m currently viewing the star ratings. This might change as I keep going, especially as I understand more about how other people are making their decisions; these types of things always have an influence. I’ll also give them a score range out of 100 as that might help clarify more; this isn’t a real point scale, it’s just to help visualize what I think of as the quality ranges.


Pro-Wres Lab: Basic Finishing Sequences

Welcome to the Pro-Wres Lab! I always kinda struggle trying to lay out what I’d like to see in pro wrestling, so this is another attempt to do that. My strategy is to try and go slow, step by step, building out ideas that would make my ideal style come together. Hopefully as I keep writing, both with these articles and with other pieces on the blog (and elsewhere??), my perspective will start to come into focus. But I’m also not someone who likes to “start small”, so it’s not always easy for me to introduce a new idea.

All that’s to say that if this idea seems pretty big to be starting off with, I get it and I agree, but I’m doing it anyway.


Review: AEW Full Gear 2024 + VoW Instant Reaction

I’m gonna start covering AEW shows when I can, I’ll be attempting to keep up with Dynamite and the PPVs at the least. Why? Well, I don’t like AEW, so it’s not out of enjoyment. I just need to get back into watching wrestling regularly and, more importantly, talking about wrestling. While I don’t like AEW, I like WWE less, and WWE is barely pro wrestling so there’s less for me to talk about.

I love pro wrestling. I do not love watching pro wrestling, I love the idea of pro wrestling. This is said badly: I do love watching pro wrestling. When I say that I don’t love it, what I mean is that I don’t love all wrestling and I don’t just watch wrestling that doesn’t connect with me. I haven’t been watching regularly for years because most wrestling does not appeal to me. The last promotion that really grabbed me was New Japan Pro Wrestling in its golden period under Okada, but that’s over now and New Japan stinks.

So why am I covering AEW? My ambition is to run wrestling. I don’t know how that’ll happen or if it’ll happen. It probably won’t. But I’m covering AEW so that I can think more about my ideas of what I want to see in wrestling. This is also why I’m going to be doing commentaries on audio from the Voices of Wrestling Flagship podcast fairly frequently as well. More than anyone else, I feel that Lanza and Kraetsch think deeply about wrestling. I don’t always agree with them but they are usually good at explaining trends and they at least prefer to think in a more sophisticated way than who is a fan of who and isn’t it cool that this happened (though they do that too, that’s what being a fan is).