I’m not gonna bother finding an image or anything for this one, but I’d still encourage you to read it. I both review Dynamite and give a commentary on the Thursday Dynamite Review from the VoW Flagship Patreon. I’m also going to start giving “enjoyment grades” to segments, using the common American grading scale (A, B, C, D, F), with C being average or moderate enjoyment. Like with the stars, I’m going to avoid “adjustments”, so there’ll be few C+s or A-s. Also in this one, I really went for a blow-by-blow type of recording, as best I can. I lost steam near the end. It wasn’t a great show.
Tag: aew

And here’s my commentary for the last AEW PPV of 2024, AEW World’s End! Happy New Year everybody, as I’ve said I’ve fallen behind a bit on my AEW watching but I’m catching up here. Here’s my reactions to the Voices of Wrestling Flagship podcast’s Instant Reaction Live to the show. This has a lot of talk about stakes, which is one of the Big Ideas that I’ve been working with when writing about wrestling.

It’s AEW’s final pay-per-view of the year and I’ve final-ly gotten to it. I took it in three chunks which probably colors my opinion. This review is just my notes as I watched through the show, including some digressions which I think are interesting. You’ll see some more move-calling in this review than in previous; this isn’t really to help people figure out what’s going on, it’s really about filling space (figuratively) if I don’t have anything else to say.

Not much to sink my teeth into on this review, which isn’t to say it was a bad review, just that nothing came up in particular. Lanza told people not to argue with him about “funny doesn’t equal money” though so obviously I’m going to do that, but we’ll get there.

I caught the latest AEW Dynamite and I have to say… it was okay. I don’t really have any particular overall thoughts, though the reprise does have a discussion on what “a champion” is via talking about Darby Allin’s seemingly inevitable title win. Everything was built solidly but unspectacularly. No bad matches here, though I could have honestly done with a couple of squashes to cleanse the palate, and some of the promos were a bit of wasted space.

Lanza uploaded his review late so I uploaded my commentary late. Don’t come at me with “his was done three days ago” either. I’m taking off my shoe and I will throw it. Do you want the commentary or not?
This will be a bit more thorough than the review I did for this episode. I did watch the show, even though that review doesn’t really show it. There is also a fairly in-depth reprise focusing on the idea of “hate and heat”.
Review: AEW Dynamite 12/11/24
Another so-so episode of Dynamite last night. Nothing really grabbed me on it. Next week I’ll try to lock in a little bit more, but I still haven’t really even found an act to latch onto. Even guys I like are involved in a lot of nonsense. And yeah, I know I’m being a downer right now. I’ll talk about it after the review.

Here is my commentary on the Voices of Wrestling Thursday Dynamite Review posted today, December 5, 2024. If you’re not aware, you can listen to this by checking out the VoW Patreon, which I’m going to trust you to be able to find. I’m not gonna shill every week but I figured I should at least point out exactly what I’m reacting to once. The host is the inimitable Joe Lanza; I’d have a specific nickname for him but they stopped doing that bit like a year ago.
Anyway, I have done a review of this event on my own where I give thoughts on suspension of belief, and I refer to some of these thoughts in the commentary so it’s worth checking out first.
Spoiler ahead for something that happened after the broadcast ended.
Review: AEW Dynamite 12/4/24 – Disbelief

This episode of Dynamite is a great example of why I don’t like AEW. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the show and I still thought it was godawful. Now look, I admit that I’m in a bad mood for other reasons today, but usually, good wrestling can brighten my mood. I didn’t feel like we got a lot of it here, and it’s for one main reason: suspension of disbelief.
To be specific, I was not suspending my disbelief for any of this shit.
Why not? Well, let’s go through the show and I’ll point it out to you.

Check this article out on Voices of Wrestling: Is the AEW Continental Championship Really Necessary?
We wrestling fans spend a lot of time yapping about titles. Don’t get me wrong: I love yapping. The number of titles in All Elite Wrestling is especially a big topic. Usually, it seems like people think AEW has too many titles. Now, I’m not sure that I agree entirely, but it’s definitely worth thinking about. So let’s pick one and see if we can justify its existence.
How about the AEW Continental Championship? After all, it’s Continental Classic season and this fairly new belt is up for grabs. Does the Continental title really deserve its spot?